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What is Iridology?

Iridology is a tool used to gain insight into an individual's:

- personality and character traits,

- family/genetic health disposition, and

- areas of an individuals health which need more support than others.

Through looking at the iris we can learn about the things which make us 'tick' and how best to support our souls and health.

The iris can tell us things unique to each person such as which organs require more care and attention in general, how our bodies react to certain stressors (are you more prone to digestive upset or muscularskeletal issues?), as well as indicate where the body is stuggling. A 'hot spot' will tell us that there is extra activity in the area of the body corresponding to that part of the eye, whereas a 'cold spot' will tell us that there is underactivity in the corresponding area.

Certain deficiencies can be seen in the iris, always needing to be confirmed with questioning and consultation though. In addition, excesses are evident such as excessive mucous production, excessive toxicity in an area, high stress or emotional demand and things which may be building up over time.

How does it work?

The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body via the nervous system; nerves which eventually feed into the optic nerves attached to the eyes. In this way the iris responds to the nerve and muscle stimuli it receives from all areas of the body, allowing us to receive information about a person's body, soul and welbeing.

‘The eyes are the windows of the soul’. Did you know that no two irises are the same, and a person’s iris is similar to a finger print. In an iridology consult you can find out what personality traits stem from your constitution, and how your constitution and the structure of your ‘fibres’ impact you daily needs in terms of diet, lifestyle, nutritional demands, relationships, and emotional needs.

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