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Do I have Leaky Gut?

Leaky Gut is the term used to describe a weakened and compromised intestinal bowel wall. Normally the bowel wall is made up of cells held tight together which ensures that digested toxins and nutritional products can not seep through the bowel wall and into the interstitial fluid. When compromised, toxins make their way through the bowel wall instead of being eliminated, where they are taken up by your blood stream and circulated.

Feeling toxic? This subsequent increased toxicity has a significant impact on many health conditions, but it is especially problematic for those who suffer allergies and intolerances. This includes any immune dysregulation and autoimmune conditions (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Thyroid conditions, Endometriosis, Asthma), skin conditions, low energy and compromised detoxification systems.

These toxins cause 'havoc' with your immune system and trigger the body to become more reactive to seemingly harmless foods, smells, products. The liver is left to fight an ever increasing battle to remove these toxins and detoxify the body, which can leave it encumbered.

What causes Leaky Gut?

Leaky Gut often can develop from consuming foods which you are intolerant / allergic to, which can irritate the bowel wall, compromising the mucus membrane layer which protects it. Leaky Gut can also develop following periods of overconsumption of alcohol, medications such as NSAIDs (aspirin type medication), stress and poor diet.

How can this be rectified?

Repairing the bowel wall takes some time and effort, but is of utmost importance for optimal health and wellness. First step is to take a break from aggravating or contributing factors, irritating foods, paving the way for repair to occur.

There are some fantastic products on the market which will reduce inflammation in the bowel, soothe and heal injury to the bowel wall, provide glutamine to fuel the enterocytes (bowel wall cells) so they can flourish and function well, and repair the integrity and structure of the bowel wall. Treatment will include specific pre biotic foods, probiotic formulas and soothing fibre.

One key element to this process, and for preventing leaky gut in the future, is to support and maintain a healthy mucus membrane layer. This ‘mucus’ layer protects the bowel wall from injury and insult and ensures everything moves easily southward and can be expelled. The mucus membrane layer in the bowel is connected to, and no different to that which is in your sinuses and respiratory system, serving as a huge component of your immune defences (keeping bugs and viruses out).

We hear it so much, but it is so true, healing starts in the gut. With a condition like leaky bowel left unmanaged, we impede the treatment of any other condition.

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