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Key to Happiness & Wellness: The Mind Gut Connection

More and more as a Naturopath I observe conditions that share an interesting trait. Conditions such as Fibromyalgia (chronic pain and fatigue disorder) that incorporate dual synchronised aspects. On one had the condition impacts emotional state and the mental outlook one has on the world. And on the other hand the emotional state of the person and their mental outlook is one driver of the condition.

After having a history with Fibromyalgia myself I know first hand that these 2 aspects exist simultaneously and each will influence the other. And this is why Naturopathically, and holistically we work on the mind, body and spirit together to achieve wellness.

As we continue to learn, as a race scientifically, about the human body we increasingly discover more connections between the mental and physical. Gut health is one of those areas where science is catching up on what traditional healers have understood, and we are now discovering in detail how this connection exists. We know the health of the gut, and it's bacteria make up influence the mind, emotions and thoughts. And equally the mind, emotions and thoughts will influence the micro biome and function of the gut / digestion.

How exciting when we realise that our bodies are a complex interplay of quantum energy and biology all synchronised beautifully, if not painfully at times. And to understand that our health relies upon ourselves, not our practitioners, the government, our genes, society, it is the energy we use ourselves that create our wellness. How exciting to understand that we have so much more to learn about the relationship of our minds and bodies.

what is the micro biome

The micro biome is your individual farm of good and bad bacteria, living in your digestive tract, a result of what was passed down to you from your mother, what has been planted, and what has been fed along the course of your life, and the harmonious relationships of these bacterias (good and bad) and how they affect the growth / additions of other bacterias.

The micro biome fuels your immune system, digestive processes, metabolism, absorption of nutrients, and cognitive and emotional functions.

The brain is shaped by bacteria in the digestive tract. For example, bifidobacterium are capable of secreting large amounts of GABA, a neurotransmitter that supports relaxation and sleep. Also, lactobacillus have been shown to influence GABA levels in certain brain regions.

Did you know the brain has over 100 billion neutrons, similar to stars in the milky way. Poor vitamin status and an imbalanced micro biome affects the neurotransmitters (chemical messages) ability to bind to receptors, altering the communication in the body.

Many of the serotonin (neurotransmitter) receptors are located in the gut, so gut dysfunction will directly impact mood and stability, and mood will directly impact gut function. The puzzle that is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

Animal studies have shown that induced states of dysbiosis (imbalance of bad bacteria to good bacteria in the gut) can promote anxiety behaviours and cognitive dysfunction. And on the other hand, we know that psychological stress itself can lead to dysbiosis.

Those with leaky gut (compromised gut lining) will have reduced vitamin and mineral absorption capacity (affecting neurotransmitter synthesis) and increase in toxins in the blood which fuel allergies, inflammation, stress. And stress is one of the factors that contribute to dysbiosis, which leads to leaky gut.


This is a big topic, but I’ll use gluten as an example. For those sensitive to gluten, its intake can decrease blood flow to the frontal and prefrontal cortex of the brain effecting neruotransmitter levels, focus, stress management, organisation and short term memory.

Its true, not all people who avoid gluten are coeliacs, but they are intolerant. The intolerance of gluten can present in many ways, not always noticeable in gut symptoms. Many will experience increased inflammation, or mixed messages in the body that can lead to autoimmune flare ups, increased stress / anxiety, mental fogginess, headaches, and pain. The mind / gut connection is strong and incorporates the food we eat.

Other things that alter our micro biome (leading to dysbiosis).

- Water / hydration status

- Nutritional status

- Environmental toxins including heavy metals

- Stress

- Medications and antibiotics

- Lack of movement and exercise

- Sunlight

- Inflammation

- Oxidative stress

In summary of the mind body / connection, some questions come to mind…..

What impacts the food choices you make? Or the length of time you spend on a wellbeing initiative?

What causes you to stumble along the way, to give up on a fitness program?

What raises your stress levels, causing your body to burn through extra amounts of essential nutrients?

What causes your uneasy emotions, that all but debilitate your digestive processes?

What causes you to crave certain foods?

What I can say is listen. Tune in to you, and truly listen. Your body is communicating all the time with your mind in so many ways (and vice versa). Once you hear what is being conveyed in these messages you can correct the ones you don’t like. Replace them with things like: “I am worthy”. “Let it go”. “I’m loved”. And many more which you know you need to hear.

And remember if you are embarking on a wellness journey, it all starts in the mind and gut. Equally, what you are thinking will impact your success, and the health of your gut will impact your thoughts and abilities. Address any factors that impact the gut such as parasites, yeast, dysbiosis, leaky gut, IBS, diet.

And please feed your micro biome. The good bacteria in your tummy does’t eat processed foods. It only eats fibre, pre-biotics, fermented foods, natural, nutritional foods that are all too scarce in the modern diet. If you’re not feeling full, have you fed your micro biome the right food? It may still be starving!

Hopefully in some ways this has been helpful. Natural health practitioners see you holistically and treat accordingly. I am fortunate to work alongside a Neuro-linguistic programming practitioner who can bring about change for you on that mental emotional level, ensuring your health plans (and life plans) are successful. Inquire for more information at Glo Beauty Highett.

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