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The Pre Summer Detox

Why is Spring the best time for a detox?

Similar to why we feel so compelled to clear out the cupboards and de clutter the home, Spring brings a sense of renewal and increased energy.

Huge rewards are possible for those who maximise the potential with this season change, and harness increased energy.

Supporting your health is essential during this season change. For many people, Spring triggers sinus and hay fever issues which can be prevented through detoxifying the liver and strengthening the bowel and mucous membranes. In addition, doing a supported detox will increase energy, increase metabolism and digestive capacity, improve skin appearance in time for Summer.

What are the signs that you may need a detox?

When the elimination pathways in our bodies require support, toxins build up triggering these symptoms. Through diet and targeted supplementation we optimise elimination pathways, taking the strain and demand of our organs and tissues.

Some signs of increased toxic load are:

• headaches, tension, depression

• increased sensitivity (skin, gut, or sinuses) to smells, perfumes, foods, plants, chemicals,

• fatigue, irritability, insomnia

• difficulty shifting weight, cravings, PMS

• nausea, allergies

• difficulty with concentration and memory

• hair loss, skin issues

• temperature dysregulation (feeling overheated)

• increased sweating

• constipation

• nutritional deficiencies

In our environment and increasingly in today’s society, we are burdened by toxins and chemicals. Many of these toxins specifically disrupt the endocrine (hormonal) system of the body. For women this is evident in hormonal imbalances, particularly oestrogen excess and increased PMS symptoms. Inflammation is the basis of poor ageing and disease, and toxicity is a major driver of this inflammation. Anyone living with or managing chronic conditions such as endometriosis, autoimmune conditions, fibromyalgia, eczema, psoriasis, etc and those serious about healthy ageing would benefit enormously from detoxification.

How a Naturopath can help

Detox programs that support liver, kidney and bowel function through nutrition and supplementation can provide a good kick-start, while deeper cleanses and heavy metal chelation programs are necessary for those heavily burdened by toxins.

Under naturopathic supervision you can reduce the built up toxic load in your body safely and effectively, so you avoid simply shifting the toxins around your body (potentially dangerous) and are in fact eliminating toxins completely.

More than just purging toxins from our liver, detoxes are essentially related to clearing blockages in all eliminatory organs, and from our own energetic field or emotions. After an effective detox you will not only remove toxins, but establish good gut health, mental clarity and enhanced liver detoxification pathways ongoing, which will ensure that your body can continually keep up with environmental toxins.

Some things you can do right away:

  • adopt a chemical free home

  • read those food labels, and avoid packaged food with unrecognisable ingredients and wash thoroughly your fruit and veggies

  • ensure adequate water intake daily

  • go organic! Seek out veggie boxes and meat delivery that’s cost effective

  • enjoy 3 serves of protein daily to ensure your body has the amino acids required to support detoxification

  • enjoy antioxidant foods such as berries, brightly coloured fruits and vegetables

  • maintain gut health with 5 serves of vegetables per day

  • avoid foods which your body can’t digest properly

  • steer clear of novelty, quick fix detoxes that aren’t conducted by a qualified Naturopath or Nutritionist as these may cause more harm than good in the long run.

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